Scotch Bonnet Peppers

Scotch Bonnet Peppers

Scotch Bonnet peppers proliferate throughout the Caribbean and are often closely associated with heat and Jerk Seasoning style=. In fact, they are among the hottest peppers in the world. They are small peppers with colors ranging from green to yellow to red. Scotch bonnet peppers look similar to the more commonly available habanero and may be used interchangeably in many recipes, but are in fact a different breed. On the Scoville heat scale Scotch Bonnet peppers rank 100,00 – 350,000. In contrast jalapenos are between 3,500 and 10,000 so do not be fooled.

When cooking with them, DO NOT touch your eyes or face. If you’re blending them into sauces, taste as you blend them in one at a time so your end product does not become inedible. Remember that the heat is in the seeds so don’t add seeds into your food unless you’re looking for fire. That said, the right amount of scotch bonnet peppers will add a sweet and spicy kick to your savory dishes, and even some drinks and desserts. Now that you’re armed with all the information, go forth and enjoy!
